Michael Johnstone of Johnstone Architecture is one of my most valued clients - and he's also a good friend. He has passionately believed in me and my work for over a decade. People like Michael don't come into your life every day, so I am continually grateful for the day we connected. When Michael recognizes something special in someone, he goes out of his way to acknowledge it. He regularly visits his local barber shop to see Isaac, who does things the old-school way, offering traditional shaves complete with hot towel, shaving brush, and a strop-honed straight razor. Michael felt that Isaac was an unsung hero, and wanted to do something special to honor him. Michael contacted me and commissioned a sign that would hark back to a time when the old-fashioned art of barbering was commonplace. Michael and I consulted to choose a design style that would convey the meticulous care Isaac takes with each shave. Michael was thrilled with the results, and told me that when he presented the sign to Isaac, "He couldn't even talk for a good full minute. He then turned deep red and almost came to tears. I think he probably never gets any presents...I shook his hand and exited the back door with the sign standing across from his chair as his customers congratulated him." Michael's generosity and thoughtfulness combined with my design talent transformed Isaac's day. Michael gifted the sign to Isaac to let him know he was talented and unique. The sign I created will stand in Isaac's shop and continue to remind him how special he is. Sure, some jobs may be more lucrative or high-profile, but when my work is used to express appreciation and cement human connection, it doesn't get any better for a designer like me!